Event Reference Key

(a) 7 Year: The Antichrist will confirm a covenant for one week: Daniel 9:27
(b) 1260 days/42 months: Authority given to the Antichrist: Daniel 7:25
(c) 1290 days: Time from the abomination until the end: Daniel 12:11
(d) 1335 days: Blessed are those who attain the 1335 day: Daniel 12:12
(e) Three and one-half years: Time of the Antichrist exhausted: Daniel 12:7
(f) Authority to wear out the saints: Revelation 13:7
(g) Three and one-half years: authority over the saints: Daniel 7:25
(h) 42 months: Time of the Gentiles: Revelation 11:2
(i) Three and one-half years: Israel hidden in the wilderness: Revelation 12:14
(j) 1260 days: Testimony of the two witnesses: Revelation 11:3
(k) Sealing of the 144,000 Israeli remnant: Revelation 7:4
(l) Middle of the week: sacrifices & offerings halted: Daniel 9:27
(m) Gathering of the elect: Matthew 24:31
(n) Jerusalem surrounded by armies: Luke 21:20
(o) Setting up of the abomination of desolation: Daniel 9:27
(p) Silence in heaven for one-half an hour: Revelation 8:1
(q) Until the full number of Gentile believers is achieved: Romans 11:25
(r) Marriage feast for the Bride Revelation 19:7
(s) 144,000 Israeli remnant appear w/ Christ on Mount Zion: Revelation 14:1-5
(t) The battle between Christ and the armies of the earth: Revelation 19:19
(u) The great harlot Babylon destroyed: Revelation 18:1-24
(v) The Finale represents the final acts of absolute wrath
(w) The three angels with the three messages: Revelation 14:6-13